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July 25, 2024

Learning News talks to Mind Tools about building better managers – and the future of our brand

Mind Tools for Business

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Did you know that more than 50% of new managers receive no formal management training? Understandably, those managers tend to struggle in their roles and do less well that those who have been trained. That has real human and business costs – something Mind Tools is keen to help remedy.

Learning News recently spoke to our CEO, Shabnam Shahani, and Chief Impact Officer, Nahdia Khan, about what makes a good manager and the critical need for better leadership and management training. They shared insights from our latest research and analysis of the key pain points new managers experience, and the risks that businesses face by not addressing them. Those insights draw on our March 2024 survey, conducted in partnership with YouGov, of more than 2,000 managers across 12 industry sectors in the UK.

You can watch the full interview here:

Shabnam also discussed how Mind Tools is evolving to meet the changing needs of our customers. She highlighted how we are building on 30-years of experience in management and leadership development by refreshing our brand vision and value proposition for enterprises and individuals. This includes enhancing our offer to go beyond our comprehensive content library by using contemporary technology for enhanced, personalized learning experiences and organizational diagnostics.

To explore our findings further, download your free copy of our full research report, Building Better Managers

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Get set for career success – with 50% off

As September is a peak hiring season, we’re offering 50% off an annual Mind Tools subscription to help you hone your expertise.
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